
Golf Club I Girasoli
Via Pralormo, 315
10022 Carmagnola (Piemonte) Italia
Tel : +39 (0)119 795088 Fax : +39 (0)119 795228

Secretary: Anna Sepertino Tel :
Professional : Roberto Mussetti - Luca Cantarella Tel :

Golf Club I Girasoli was established in 1991. Practically everything has remained from the large farmhouse that was restructured into I Girasoli Golf and Country Inn: the massive dark wood beams on the ceilings, the brick walls, the old farming equipment on display here and there, the floor of unfinished regular stone and old cotto tiles. You will breathe that country air sought and obtained by giving new life to the old farm.

Where stables, granaries and barns once stood, there is now the club-house with restaurant and bar on the swimming pool; TV, relax and games room, the secretarial office and the pro-shop. The charming meeting room has conserved the original brick vaulted ceiling. The ambient is informal and relaxed, as are the customers.

Besides the typical restaurant, in a warm and sober ambient, there is a small lodge with ten rooms, two suites and few apartments. Guests can use all the club facilities, with reductions on green fees, also for the nearby championship course 'La Margherita'. From the windows of the rooms you can admire the entire Alpine arc, from the Maritime Alps to Monte Rosa.

I Girasoli Country Inn (same adress and telephone number of the golf club)

From the Torino - Savona highway exit at Carmagnola, then proceed for 8 km in the direction of Pralormo.

Green Fees :- Mon - Fri. 25 euros, Sat and Sun. 30euros
Visitor have no restrictions.

For more information on Golf Club I Girasoli see www.gi rasoligolf.it

Course Details

Course Name: I Girasoli Holes: 18 Yardage: SSS: 64
On the course, with its gently rolling hills, nature is the leading actor. The natural fairways of Golf Club I Girasoli, have infact been carried out respecting the nature and the local herbaceous cultivation. Having made this choice, on 99% of the course no weed killers or toxicant pollutant substances are being used, only on the greens, but in very reduced quantities. Essential products are used in order to keep them playable; these are chosen among a non-harmful range. We prefer to remove the weeds by hand. The result of this choice is a course similar to the Scottish links, with a beautiful driving range where you can practice your game. It's an 18-hole par 65, designed by the founders of the club, with a foreseen extension project.
press here for Golfer Reviews of the I Girasoli Course
