
Auchterarder Golf Club
The Clubhouse, Ochil Road,
Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1LS
Tel : +44 (0)1764 662804 Fax : +44 (0)1764 662804

Auchterarder Golf Club established in 1892. 765 members. Lounge bar, dining room and kitchen. Visitors changing room and shower. Professional shop and large car park.

Off the A9, Western Road, next to Gleneagles Hotel.

Further Information
Information herein provided by the club 28 Aug 1998.

Course Details

Course Name: Auchterarder Holes: 18 Yardage: 5385 SSS: 68
Part heathland, part woodland. Good views towards Glen Lyon. Easy walking course, with varied holes and views.
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